Center for Leadership and Professional Development

Through the Center for Leadership and Professional Development (CLPD), KeMU has put together a repository of experts and trainers to build and enhance capacities and competencies of individuals, communities, organizations and institutions in order to meet the ever emerging demands of living spaces in Kenya and beyond. Our main focus include but not limited to: Management Consultancy, Research, Brand Management, academic and Professional Short Courses in all Disciplines, Conferences, Symposiums and Workshops.


The goal of the Center is to offer opportunities for training solutions and continuous learning, research and consultancies that are adaptive and practical to client(s) needs.

Target Groups

Individuals and groups of professionals, managers and leaders in the public sector, private institutions, non-governmental organizations and community based organizations.

Our Courses and Programmes:

The CLPD is a service and market-driven hub offering specialized and innovative training programmes in form of:
        • Open and tailor-made short courses (1 day – 1 week)
        • Open and customized professional development courses (1 week – 6 months)
        • Consultancy services – multi-disciplinary problem solving projects, contracted research and development projects
        • Public lectures, symposia and workshops

How to Apply

Email the CLPD Coordinator through: or call: +(254)725751878

    Our Faculty

    Ms. Jacinta Kagendo Magaju, CLPD Coordinator

    Ms. Jacinta Kagendo Magaju

    Coordinator, Center for Leadership and Professional Development

    – PhD, Education Leadership and Management, Kenya Methodist University (KeMU), Kenya (Ongoing)
    – MA (Arts), Kiswahili Literature, Kenyatta University (KU), Kenya
    – BEd (Arts) Kiswahili & Philosophy and Religious Studies, Kenyatta University, Kenya

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