Joram O. Lunjalu, Departnment of Public Health, Nutrition, and Dietetics
+(254)722-949790; EXT:
KeMU Towers, 13th Floor, Nairobi Campus

“I joined KeMU in 2010 as one of the pioneer faculty member of the department and attached to the Department of Human Nutrition and Dietetics. I have seen the department grow to produce competent and skilled workforce in the country. We strive to ensure that we churn out transformational leaders who are changing the society’s Nutrition and Health standards.  The department has now to five programs, namely BSc. Human Nutrition and Dietetics, BSc. Community Health, BSc. Environmental Health, MSc. Human Nutrition and Dietetics and Master of Public Health” – Joram Lunjalu


Lunjalu is a member of Kenya Institute of Nutritionists and Dietitians (KNDI) My area of research involved use of common bean genotypes in alleviation of nutritional anaemia.

Lunjalu has been involved in conducting a number of Nutrition related research projects for both  local and international organizations including: Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI), attached to Liverpool Comprehensive Care Clinic in a KEMRI / FANTA Project as a site coordinator and Nutritionist in a randomized controlled study of the impact of food supplements on malnourished HIV/AIDS infected adults in Kenya.

International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Project harvest plus (CIAT)–Assessment of Agronomic characteristic and acceptability of high mineral bean genotypes in Kisii District.

The University of Nairobi and the International Crops Research Institute in the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). Conducted physical grain characterization of newly developed sorghum Varieties for the International Crops Research Institute for Semi Arid Tropical (ICRISAT) Nairobi.

My involvement in these activities has greatly enhanced my research and development skills, an area I greatly cherish.

Lunjalu has also been involved in community related activities, he is the secretary general of Marathon Kwa Daudi area in Dagoreti  south constituency the following nutrition related projects-: Community mobilization, nutritional education and primary health care in women groups and youth organizations in Kawangware and Butula Divisions


  • M.Sc. Applied Human Nutrition University of Nairobi, Kenya
  • B.Sc. Food Science & Technology, University of Nairobi, Kenya

Research Interests

  • Nutrition Surveillance and Intervention
  • Personnel Skill Development and Training
  • Food and Nutrition Policy formulation


Nutrition Assessment and Counseling98%
Nutrition and Health Needs Assessment92%
Monitoring and Evaluation of Nutrition Projects95%