Senior Lecturer, Department of Hospitality and Tourism
+(254)720672621, EXT:
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Dr. Muchai Peter, M

Designation: Chair of Department
School: Business and Economics
Department: Hospitality and Tourism

“Every expert was once a novice”


Dr. Muchai is a seasoned Hospitality Trainer and Consultant. He has extensively been engaged in Hospitality curriculum design, review and implementation from diploma, degree and post graduate by different institutions.

He has conducted trainings and consultancies to various hospitality establishments in Kenya particularly on customer care strategies, satisfaction surveys, business revival strategies, sales and marketing strategies, setting operational standards and Human Resource issues.

Dr. Muchai is a full member of Tourism Professional Association (TPA), Institute of Human Resource Management (IHRM) and Association of Hotel Professionals in Kenya (AHPK)


  • Ph.D, (Hospitality Mgt.), Maseno University, Kenya
  • MBA, Human Resource Management, University of Nairobi, Kenya
  • B.Sc, Hospitality and Tourism Management, Kenyatta University, Kenya


  • Muchai P., Wadongo, B. & Olielo, T. (2019). Determinants of Scholar-Practitioner Gap in Kenyan Hospitality Industry. International Journal of Research in Tourism and Hospitality (IJRTH), vol 5, no. 4, 2019, pp. 01- 06. DOI:
  • Muchai, P., Wadongo, B., & Olielo, T. (2009). Impact of Scholar-Practitioners Gap on Research Output in Kenyan Hospitality Industry. Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Sports, Vol 45, 2019. The ISSN of this journal: ISSN (Paper) 2312-5187 ISSN (Online) 2312-5179. DOI:10.7176/JTHS/45-05
  • Muchai, P., Gichung’wa, M. & Nyakweba, O. (2015). Correlation between Levels of Strategic Planning on Marketing, Technological and Financial Performance – A Case Study of Bank of Baroda, Kenya. JIAATS-jarbma. (ISSN: 2456-3544) Vol. 1 Issue 1, November 2015, Paper 05
  • Muchai, P. (2009). Employee Satisfaction with National Health Insurance – A Case Study of Sarova Hotels in Nairobi, Kenya. University of Nairobi Repository

Research Interests

  • Technical Training and Pedagogy in Hospitality
  • Performance Management in Hotels
  • Human Resource in Hospitality
  • Yield Management in Hospitality
  • Innovative Technology in Hospitality and Tourism


Hospitality Training 98%
Human Resource skills80%
Hospitality curriculum development90%
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